
1. Workshops: Female Artists and Art Movements

I invite you to participate in my workshops focusing on female artists and their work. This workshop-series is entitle "HerArt" and will be divided in distinct themes. Each workshop consists of three parts: 1) an art history class, 2) group activities focussed on the methods of the workshop theme, 3) create an individual artpiece. No experience is required, and materials and snacks are included. Workshops are offered in English or Spanish.

Duration: 3 hours

Location: Treehouse Creative School, Treehouse, NDSM, Amsterdam.

Workshop themes:

  1. The art of Surrealism - Remedios Varo: this workshop is dedicated to Remedios Varo, a Spanish-Mexican Surrealist painter. You will learn about her life, career and techniques. In the first part of the workshop we will together put what we heard into practice, and create an artwork based on those methods, such as Exquisite Corpse (words, images, and a collaboratively-made drawing). In the second part, you will create your own surrealistic art piece. You can see pictures of a previous edition here.

  1. The art of Impressionism - Mary Cassatt: this workshop is dedicated to Mary Cassatt, an American painter. You will learn about her life, career, and techniques. In the first part of the workshop, there will be a session of quick sketches to capture movement and the basics of the human form. Additionally, we will have a session on how to use color like the Impressionists, experimenting with light and movement.In the second part of the workshop, you will create your own Impressionist art piece.

Date: 21 September 2024 (Saturday) from 2pm to 5pm
Register here

2. Group workshops: provide your friends or team with an amazing art experience

This painting workshop offers a unique opportunity to foster creativity, communication, and collaboration. You will not only learn basic painting skills, but also discover how painting can be a rewarding and bonding experience for your group. This workshop consists of group activities as well as developed your own masterpiece.

There is also space and flexibility for your ideas, so please reach out to me and together we will create an experience that aligns with your preferences.

Duration: 2-3 hours

Location: Treehouse, NDSM, Amsterdam.

Get in touch