Are we sane?
This artwork focusses on the (dis)connection between the real/conscious world and the surrealistic/unconscious world.
Technique: acrylic on canvas
Dimensions: 80 x 60 cm
Year: 2024
Signature of the artist: yes
Part of the following exhibitions:
- WIHH Gallery, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 2024-now
Balance speaks about embracing our full potential – every single bit of what we are and the synergy of all parts (within and out). Recognizing that by working on our less optimal (or negative) characteristics, we can foster the positive ones. This will ultimately contribute to our personal growth and self-care.
Technique: acrylic on canvas
Dimensions: 120 x 40 cm
Year: 2024
Signature of the artist: yes
Part of the following exhibitions:
- Vrij Paleis, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 2023
Equanimity focusses on our capability to understand and regulate emotions. It shows how emotions co-exist and complement each-other in the self. This is an interactive artwork which can be rotated and hung on the wall according to the interpretation and feelings of the viewer.
Technique: acrylic on canvas
Dimensions: 120 x 40 cm
Year: 2024
Signature of the artist: yes
Part of the following exhibitions:
- WIHH Gallery, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 2024-now
- Vrij Paleis, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 2023
Inmutable represents the conflict between oneself and the outside world, how we stand immutable to the voices inside our head and the noise surrounding us, trying to keep our sanity.
Technique: acrylic on canvas Dimensions: 50 x 70 cm Year: 2022 Signature of the artist: yes
Caos talks about an emotional break down, an explosion of dysregulated emotions that connect us with our primitive self, representing the thin line between sanity and insanity.
Technique: acrylic on canvas
Dimensions: 50 x 40 cm
Year: 2022
Signature of the artist: yes
Part of the solo exhibition:
- WIHH Gallery, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 2023-2024
Ello represents our wildest and primitive emotions encompassing our deepest desires and survival instincts. By using vivid colours and realistic shapes it blurs the limits between reality and imagination.
Technique: acrylic on Fabriano paper
Dimensions: 40 x 40 cm
Year: 2022
Signature of the artist: yes
Private collection